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4. Rebuilding

Rebuilding the Crestmoor Neighborhood

In the wake of the natural gas pipeline explosion and fire in the Crestmoor neighborhood, the City of San Bruno and Pacific, Gas & Electric (PG&E) entered into a Trust Agreement to restore the Crestmoor neighborhood. PG&E committed $50,000,000 for reimbursement of expenses incurred by the City related to the rebuild and recovery of the neighborhood. Trust funds were used to replace and reconstruct the underground utilities of water, sewer, and storm drain infrastructure, street reconstruction, new


streetlight system, new park replacement, and other infrastructure that supports the Crestmoor Neighborhood. The rebuild also included the replacement of over 330 upper (private) sanitary sewer laterals and associated surface restoration required for installation. Most of the laterals replaced were deteriorating “Orangeburg” pipe installed in the late 1950’s/early 1960’s.

Nearly all of the privately owned homes that were destroyed in the explosion and fire were rebuilt in the years following the event. Many more damaged homes completed repairs – all while the City worked to complete the restoration of the neighborhood.

THE San Bruno Community Foundation (SBCF)


The City of San Bruno negotiated a settlement agreement with PG&E for $68.75 million and five vacant property lots valued at $1.25 million for the benefit of the San Bruno community. The settlement specified that a Not-for-Profit entity be established to manage the use of the funds for the benefit of the entire City and not to be used for general City operations. 



The San Bruno City Council established a Not-for-Profit, its articles of incorporation, and bylaws before appointing the SBCF Board of Directors in 2013.

The founding Board established the program and investment strategy framework for its strategic initiatives which has committed more than $54 million in grants and scholarships to benefit the San Bruno community, since 2016.



On October 27, 2018, the Crestmoor neighborhood came together for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the newly constructed Earl-Glenview Park. The new Earl-Glenview Park replaced the former tot lot that was nestled near the Crestmoor Canyon. While the Crestmoor neighborhood was under rebuild, the City had an opportunity to expand the size of the tot lot by acquiring additional parcels to expand the park foot print. The City engaged the community and solicited feedback on the features of the Earl- Glenview Park. 

The Design

  • An overlook with seating, paving, and a view of the Crestmoor Canyon;

  • Play space with active play equipment and a rubber play surface;

  • Serves as a neighborhood gateway with signage, heritage trees, scored toned paving, and seating;

  • Drought-tolerant plant material and a space for open play;

  • A neighborhood square with seating, picnic tables, and scored toned paving;

  • Play space for children ages 2-5 with low fencing, seating, a rubber play surface, and play equipment;

  • An urban forest buffer area adjacent to two homes with vertical tree plantings and low maintenance ground cover;

  • An adventure course with toned paving and four-foot wide path;

  • Flexible event space; and,

  • Area for use as a sports court with seat wall and park overlook.

Recreation and Aquatics Center (RAC)


The new Recreation and Aquatics Center project, funded by the San Bruno Community Foundation, includes demolition of the existing Veteran’s Memorial Building and San Bruno Park Pool to construct a new two-story, approximately 49,360-square foot San Bruno Recreation and Aquatics Center including a community lounge, lobby, gymnasium, indoor pool, walking track, group exercise room, fitness room, community hall, classrooms, conference room, and City staff offices. An outdoor pool may be proposed for a future phase pending the availability of additional funding. 



Crestmoor Canyon is a large open space area totaling 76.6 acres owned by the City of San Bruno. The Canyon is wooded, containing some native species (Monterey pine, California live oak, etc.) but mostly non-native eucalyptus trees. The Canyon is located near the City’s westerly border and is in close proximity to several regional and arterial roadways including Sneath Lane to the north, State Route 35 (Skyline Blvd.) to the west, San Bruno Avenue to the south and US 280 to the east. It is surrounded by the Crestmoor, and Rollingwood residential subdivisions, which contain approximately 321 homes; 137 homes, a school, and City facilities directly border the Canyon. Within a quarter mile to the west of the Canyon are 1,200 acres of open space (Sweeney Ridge), which is identified as a State Response Area with a high risk of fire.

The City of San Bruno has created an interactive StoryMap of the Crestmoor Canyon Fire Mitigation Project which you can view by scanning the QR Code below with your smartphone camera app:

qr-code (1).png


This media gallery contains pictures and video from Crestmoor Canyon and the ongoing fire mitigation efforts.

©2020 The City of San Bruno

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